
In the midst of our daily hustle and bustle, it is easy to be overcome with feelings of worry and anxiety. I am no stranger to the effort it takes to peel yourself out of bed, make a cup of coffee and attempt to pep yourself up for a day.

I also believe that the more honest and reflective we are regarding our personal social/emotional patterns the better we become at leading ourselves to healthier, happier, more hopeful lifestyles.

Over the course of the journey thus far, I’ve noted key components to keeping self intact while remaining a connected and vital part of the body. #CPR #SelfCare

(1) Communication – What we say, matters. The message we’re telling ourselves become the words we speak and therefore the action we take (decline or delay). More than “what” we say is how we say it. Tone and body language account for the majority of our personal/personified message. So what do we communicate about the whole when we represent people/groups outside of ourselves (e.g. teams, units, chapters)? We know that no man is an island, which means inevitably we all represent something bigger than “I”.

Enter into transitional perspective – evaluate how you view you. Positive/uplifting? Crude/harsh? Believing or hoping? Doubting/criticizing?

(2) Posture – Feet square and forward; shoulders back, head straight. Position yourself for successful engagement of the task that lie ahead. The reality is, no one living person knows precisely the day or the hour and so it behooves us all to make the most of the time we have.

If you’re like me, you’re constantly trying to improve yourself. I have news for you. God loves you right where you are. You’re in a process right now, a process of becoming what God wants you to be. The secret to all of this, you have to start expecting great things to happen. pic.twitter.com/GF4gyUbqZF— Steve Harvey (@IAmSteveHarvey) October 9, 2019

(3) Reverence – I’ve heard that you spell love “t-i-m-e” and that you spell respect “m-o-n-e-y”. Both caught me off guard; although I am no spelling bee champion, I wasn’t expecting that response! However, in both instances I came to understand a deeper meaning and application for myself. Where and how I choose to spend my time speaks volumes over the words I say referencing Love. (Sticky Note: Quality Time is a Love Language). Money is a necessity; fruit of skillful stewardship of a gift divinely given and shared; a physical resource harvested. #tithetime

Closing Thoughts: C.P.R. is for those of us who forgot/forget to breathe 🙂 #BeenThere #DoneThat _ Isolation is preparation. #UseThisTime #Communicate with you! #PostureUp _ A few reasons to try. #Reverence_ There is a power higher than I for which I am forever grateful. Embrace your limitations and invest in your development.

NOTE: Post first drafted October 2019 Pre-COVID-19; Closing Thoughts May 2020.

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